;;; -*- indent-tabs-mode:nil -*- ;;;; Copyright (c) 2007 Jeremy English ;;;; ;;;; Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this ;;;; software and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted ;;;; without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appear in ;;;; all copies and that both that copyright notice and this ;;;; permission notice appear in supporting documentation. No ;;;; representations are made about the suitability of this software ;;;; for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or ;;;; implied warranty. ;;;; ;;;; Created: 08-February-2007 ;;;; ;;;; ;;;; Pulls definitions from google and displays them in a buffer. ;;;; ;;;; google-define is the command to call to get a new definition. ;;;; ;;;; 2007-07-05 You can now search for definitions of terms such as ;;;; pig latin ;;;; ;;;; 2007-11-09 Kevin Brubeck Unhammer changed ;;;; google-define-parse-buffer so that it would use a temporary ;;;; buffer. Now google-define is a more helpful citizen, 'q' will ;;;; close the buffer and it doesn't steal focus. ;;;; ;;;; Since the major mode was just used to change the font colors it ;;;; was dropped and a call to font-lock-fontify-buffer sets the ;;;; colors now. ;;;; ;;;; 2008-01-09 Unicode support was added. ;;;; ;;;; 2008-01-25 I Replaced google-define-plus-space with ;;;; replace-regexp-in-string. Also, trimmed down ;;;; google-define-parse-buffer a bit. (require 'font-lock) (defconst *google-define-html-entry-table* (list '(""" """ "\"") '("&" "&" "&") '("'" "&yow;" "'") '(">" ">" ">") '(" " " " " ") '("¡" "¡" "¡") '("¢" "¢" "¢") '("£" "£" "£") '("¤" "¤" "¤") '("¥" "¥" "¥") '("¦" "¦" "¦") '("§" "§" "§") '("¨" "¨" "¨") '("©" "©" "©") '("ª" "ª" "ª") '("«" "«" "«") '("¬" "¬" "¬") '("­" "­" "­") '("®" "®" "®") '("¯" "¯" "¯") '("°" "°" "°") '("±" "±" "±") '("²" "²" "²") '("³" "³" "³") '("´" "´" "´") '("µ" "µ" "µ") '("¶" "¶" "¶") '("·" "·" "·") '("¸" "¸" "¸") '("¹" "¹" "¹") '("º" "º" "º") '("»" "»" "»") '("¼" "¼" "¼") '("½" "½" "½") '("¾" "¾" "¾") '("¿" "¿" "¿") '("À" "À" "À") '("Á" "Á" "Á") '("Â" "Â" "Â") '("Ã" "Ã" "Ã") '("Ä" "Ä" "Ä") '("Å" "Å" "Å") '("Æ" "Æ" "Æ") '("Ç" "Ç" "Ç") '("È" "È" "È") '("É" "É" "É") '("Ê" "Ê" "Ê") '("Ë" "Ë" "Ë") '("Ì" "Ì" "Ì") '("Í" "Í" "Í") '("Î" "Î" "Î") '("Ï" "Ï" "Ï") '("Ð" "Ð" "Ð") '("Ñ" "Ñ" "Ñ") '("Ò" "Ò" "Ò") '("Ó" "Ó" "Ó") '("Ô" "Ô" "Ô") '("Õ" "Õ" "Õ") '("Ö" "Ö" "Ö") '("×" "×" "×") '("Ø" "Ø" "Ø") '("Ù" "Ù" "Ù") '("Ú" "Ú" "Ú") '("Û" "Û" "Û") '("Ü" "Ü" "Ü") '("Ý" "Ý" "Ý") '("Þ" "Þ" "Þ") '("ß" "ß" "ß") '("à" "à" "à") '("á" "á" "á") '("â" "â" "â") '("ã" "ã" "ã") '("ä" "ä" "ä") '("å" "å" "å") '("æ" "æ" "æ") '("ç" "ç" "ç") '("è" "è" "è") '("é" "é" "é") '("ê" "ê" "ê") '("ë" "ë" "ë") '("ì" "ì" "ì") '("í" "í" "í") '("î" "î" "î") '("ï" "ï" "ï") '("ð" "ð" "ð") '("ñ" "ñ" "ñ") '("ò" "ò" "ò") '("ó" "ó" "ó") '("ô" "ô" "ô") '("õ" "õ" "õ") '("ö" "ö" "ö") '("÷" "÷" "÷") '("ø" "ø" "ø") '("ù" "ù" "ù") '("ú" "ú" "ú") '("û" "û" "û") '("ü" "ü" "ü") '("ý" "ý" "ý") '("þ" "þ" "þ") '("ÿ" "ÿ" "ÿ") '("<" "<" "<"))) (defun google-define-number-entry (entry) (first entry)) (defun google-define-name-entry (entry) (second entry)) (defun google-define-ascii-entry (entry) (third entry)) (defun google-define-replace-string (from-string to-string) (goto-char (point-min)) (while (search-forward from-string nil t) (replace-match to-string nil t))) (defun google-define-replace-html () (dolist (x *google-define-html-entry-table*) (let ((ascii (google-define-ascii-entry x))) (google-define-replace-string (google-define-number-entry x) ascii) (google-define-replace-string (google-define-name-entry x) ascii)))) (defun google-define-replace-unicode () (goto-char (point-min)) (while (search-forward-regexp "&#\\([0-9]+\\);" nil t) (let* ((ucs (string-to-number (match-string 1))) (rep (char-to-string (or (decode-char 'ucs ucs) ?~)))) (replace-match rep nil t)))) (defun google-define-get-command (host path) (let* ((timeout 180) (port 80) ;http (post-cmd (concat "GET " path " HTTP/1.0\r\n" "Host: " host "\r\n" "User-Agent: Emacs\r\n" ; "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv: Gecko/20061204 Firefox/\r\n" "Accept: text/xml,application/xml,application/xhtml+xml,text/html;q=0.9,text/plain;q=0.8,image/png,*/*;q=0.5\r\n" "Accept-Language: en-us,en;q=0.5\r\n" "Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate\r\n" "Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1;q=0.7,*;q=0.7\r\n" "\r\n")) proc buf) (unwind-protect (progn (setq proc (open-network-stream "url-get-command" "*url-get-buffer*" host port) buf (process-buffer proc)) (process-send-string proc post-cmd) (message "Getting information from %s: waiting for response..." host) (while (equal (process-status proc) 'open) (unless (accept-process-output proc timeout) (delete-process proc) (error "Server error: timed out while waiting!"))) (message "Response received: processing..."))) ;; unwind-protect buf)) (defun google-define-parse-buffer (search-word data-buffer) "Pull all of the definitions out of the data returned from google, and print in a temp-buffer" (let ((count 0) (header (concat "Definitions for " search-word)) (temp-buffer-show-hook #'google-define-font-lock)) (with-output-to-temp-buffer "*Definitions*" (princ (concat header "\n\n")) (set-buffer data-buffer) (goto-char (point-min)) (while (search-forward-regexp "
  • \\([^<]+\\)" nil t) (incf count) (let ((definition (replace-regexp-in-string "\\(\n\\|\r\\|\t\\)" "" (match-string 1)))) (princ (with-temp-buffer (setf fill-prefix " ") (save-excursion (insert (format "%3d. %s\n\n" count definition))) (fill-paragraph nil) (google-define-replace-html) (google-define-replace-unicode) (buffer-string)))))) (message header))) (defun google-define () "Ask google for the definition of a word. If we have a current region use it's value as the default." (interactive) (let* ((search-word (read-from-minibuffer "Define: " (thing-at-point 'word))) (data-buffer (google-define-get-command "www.google.com" (concat "/search?num=100&hl=en&q=define%3A%22" (replace-regexp-in-string " +" "\+" search-word) "%22&btnG=Search")))) (google-define-parse-buffer search-word data-buffer) (kill-buffer data-buffer))) (defconst google-define-font-lock-keywords (list (list "^Definitions.for.+$" '(0 font-lock-function-name-face)) (list "^\\s-+.+$" '(0 font-lock-string-face)))) (defun google-define-font-lock () (make-local-variable 'font-lock-defaults) (setq font-lock-defaults '(google-define-font-lock-keywords t)) (font-lock-fontify-buffer)) (provide 'google-define)